Music for the soul Música para el espíritu Musik für die Seele
The best exclusive Classical Music recorded in Spain's large Cathedrals and Churches !

All our recordings offered for download are existing thanks to the private initiative of expert Michael Reckling.
The music of this site can NOT be used for commercial purposes or any public reproduction.
© 2007 - All rights reserved by Michael Reckling Studios - Valladolid - Spain

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Organ & Trumpet
High quality analog and digital recordings / samples

ADAGIO(2) by T. ALBINONI, performed by trumpet soloist GARY DILWORTH (USA)
with PILAR CABRERA (organ) at the main church of Marbella (digital recording from 2000).
ADAGIO by T.Albinoni
SONATA in D major by G.TORELLI, performed by trumpet soloist GARY DILWORTH (USA) with PILAR CABRERA (organ) at the main church of Marbella (dig. recording 2000).

  4 movements       1st movement             2nd movement             3rd movement             4th movement

           Pilar Cabrera with Gary Dilworth 
during rehearsal at the grand Marbella Organ
ALLEGRO by G.TORELLI, performed with baroque trumpet by soloist JAMES GHIGI (UK) with PILAR CABRERA (organ) at the main church of Marbella (digital recording from 2004). ALLEGRO by G.Torelli

CHORAL by JOHANN L. KREBS, performed by trumpet soloist GARY DILWORTH (USA)
with PILAR CABRERA (organ) at the main church of Marbella (analog recording from 1987).
            Choral by Krebs
"Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme"

       Pilar Cabrera          Benjamin Moreno

ELEGY by ROLF WALLIN, performed by trumpet soloist BENJAMIN MORENO - Madrid
with PILAR CABRERA at the grand Marbella Organ "Organo del Sol Mayor" of the main church of Marbella (digital recording from 1998).     
R.Wallin "Elegy"

Pilar Cabrera con Benjamin Moreno          Benjamin Moreno

Badinerie by J. S. BACH, performed by trumpet soloist GARY DILWORTH (USA)
with PILAR CABRERA at the grand Marbella Organ "Organo del Sol Mayor"
of the main church of Marbella (digital recording from 1996).     
Badinerie by J.S.Bach

     Music dedicated to Spain's Royal Wedding in May 2004 at Madrid's CathedraLa Almudena.             
TE DEUM PRELUDE by M.A.CHARPENTIER performed by trumpet soloist G. DILWORTH (USA) with PILAR CABRERA at the 4-manual Grenzing Organ at "La Almudena" Cathedral
in Madrid. (digital recording).                          Excellent photographs of Madrid's Cathedral.
TE DEUM PRELUDE by Charpentier (1643 - 1704)

An other recording of TE DEUM PRELUDE by M.A.CHARPENTIER performed by trumpet soloist G. DILWORTH (USA) with PILAR CABRERA at the grand Blancafort Organ
of the main church of Marbella (digital recording from 1996).     
TE DEUM PRELUDE by Charpentier (1643 - 1704)


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© All rights reserved by Michael Reckling - Valladolid - Spain